An artist is born...

Hailing from the vibrant city of Los Angeles, California, Michelle's journey into the realms of art and beauty began at a tender age. Raised amidst the hustle and bustle of the downtown fashion district, her love for creativity ignited as she frequented her mother's workplace.

At just five years old, Michelle found herself captivated by the allure of fabrics and fashion. Playfully draping and pinning fabrics on dress forms, she left an indelible mark on her mother and coworkers. It became clear to all around her that Michelle was destined for greatness.

Following in her mother's footsteps, Michelle dove headfirst into the fast-paced world of the Downtown LA fashion district. Three years into her fashion career, she realized that the stress of the industry no longer aligned with her passion for fashion.

A pivot led her to beauty school, where Michelle discovered her calling as an esthetician, devoted to delivering flawless, beautiful skin. However, the universe had more in store. After a year of searching for stability, she rediscovered her love for nail art.

Armed with a Gelish Mini Nail Lamp kit and a self-taught education from the University of YouTube, Michelle's journey into the world of nails began. Her younger sister became her canvas, as she honed her craft with various nail art decor. Michelle's reputation grew through word of mouth, fueled by her eagerness and a determination to offer $15 gel manicures to anyone willing to be pampered.

Word spread like wildfire, and soon Michelle was known for her $15 gel manicure house calls. Her joy in brightening someone's day through a simple manicure fueled her passion even more. Michelle's client list expanded, including a roster of adored clients and notable celebrities. From Ariana Grande to Karrueche, Christine Quinn to Halle Bailey, Michelle has left her mark on the nails of some of the brightest stars.

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Today, Michelle's journey has led her to launch ShopByMW, a lifestyle brand full of hand picked items that stand as a testament to her dedication, creativity, and a commitment to making every manicure an experience of beauty and joy.